Selena ottaa lavan haltuun,kun esiintyy MTV UK’s Live:ssä Lontoossa.
Selena kirjoitti Facebookiinsa kiitokset miljoonille faneilleen:
“Spain, France, U.K., Germany– Thank you all so much for making me feel so at home while I was on this promo tour. Putting out an album has always been a dream of mine, getting to tour that album all over the world and meeting my fans everywhere was apart of that dream, I can not express how grateful I am for this experience, for my album, for the tour and most of all for all of YOU… I hope you all enjoy the record, I cannot wait to make it back out to see you guys and hopefully do some shows!
“America– I had a wonderful time in Europe but, I do miss home very, very much. I am very excited to start working again and I couldn’t pick a better place to live while I shoot my movie BUT I also can’t wait to get back to see all of my family, friends, and fans!”
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