
Selena Say

Täällä on Selenan sanontoja, joita hän yleensä käyttää/sanoo:

"'Low battery,' says my BlackBerry. I guess I'll let it rest. Airport... Back to my 2nd favorite place in the world. Vancouver. Good night."

"Watching Jon And Kate Plus 8. Reminds me of Vermont sitting on a couch for 6 hours."

"Dear iTunes... Why don't you have the entire seasons of friends? This simply will not suffice. Yours truly, FriendsFanatic008"

"Don't ever climb on a part of stage where only the lights are supposed to be NOT a human being."

"The day I got my first letter from a fan, I felt like I'd been touched by an angel. I opened the note and read every single word the fan, Taylor, had to say. She told me she'd been to all of the tapings Wizards--it was unbelievable! I almost cried. I wrote her back this really long letter with an autograph to show her how sweet I thought she was."

"I don't really like dressing up. Some people probably think actresses dress up everywhere they go. I'm in sweatpants half the time with my hair in a ponytail."

(työstä) "It's not as glamorous as it looks. I don't do it for the glamour. I really do it because I love acting. We deal with things at work and we get in trouble every now and then when we have to focus."

"I'd love to do my own music for sure. I'd love to have a band."

"My perfect guy wears converse, is totally laid back, and doesn't worry about being cool."

(puhtaus sormukseestaan) "I've had my ring since I was 12 years old. But for me it's not something I want to go around saying, "Hey, look what I have". It's a promise I made to myself and God. I think some people misinterpret that as a trend and think everyone's getting one."

"I was never the girl who thought i need to make sure i look like all the other girls. i think you look best when you stand out."

"Be yourself always, there's no one better!"

(Barney & Friends) "It was really cool. At that age, I didn't believe. I knew he wasn't real, but it was fun. We rehearsed with him not in the suit."

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